Hospice Visits
Every quarter, Twa organizes visits to the Nairobi Hospice during their day care meetings which take place every Thursday.
In most cases, those visiting the hospice are from very humble backgrounds and cannot afford basic needs. In dire situations, many patients opt to feed their families rather than seek treatment due to limited resources.
Twakutukuza, through the Angel Support Network and contributions from Twakutukuza Trust Choir, purchase dry food items as well as household cleaning and toiletry items which are gifted to the hospice patients in what are now known as the Twa Goodie-Bags.

Hospice Visits Reports
Hospice Day Volunteers
Each hospice visit is a caring and sharing time for the patients as well as Twakutukuza Trust volunteers. Volunteering to serve during the hospice visits is always an amazing time with great music and fellowship.

Twa Goodie-bags
Twa Goodie-bags are presented to hospice patients during each visit. The bags, packed with basic dry foodstuffs as well as basic household items, go a long way in meeting the basic needs of the patients’ families and allow the patients to purchase the medication they need.