Hospice Visits Reports

Hospice Visit
December 2018
In celebration of our 10 Year Anniversary, Twakutukuza Trust made our first mission trip outside Nairobi to the Kimbilio Hospice in Kipkaren, Eldoret on 7th to 9th December 2018. 41 Twa Choir members held mini-concerts for the patients, family and community members living in the surrounding villages.

Hospice Visit
March 2018
On 1st March 2018, the Twa team of volunteers was all set to make the first visit of the year to the Nairobi Hospice in Kilimani. It had been raining quite heavily earlier that week and we were all praying that the rain would hold off on the day of the visit.

Hospice Visit
July 2016
30th July 2016 will go down in the Twakutukuza Trust journals as a memorable day. We, together with Mavuno Church –Downtown Campus (MDT) and the Nairobi Hospice hosted seven members of Mariners Church, California.

Hospice Visit
September 2014
Not only do they sound amazing, but they are also amazing worshippers, very loving and caring toward each other, very generous givers, hard working and a wonderful, fun-loving bunch of people. filler text filler text ifller text filler text

Hospice Visit
August 2013
This year we had the privilege of visiting the support group on Thursday 15, August 2013 and were welcomed warmly by Lynette Kitui – Social worker at the hospice and the Hospice CEO. We had a time of song and devotion with the members. Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler

Hospice Visit
December 2012
The Twakutukuza Trust Choir had a special Christmas celebration with patients and their families at the Nairobi Hospice. It was blessed time of singing, sharing stories, eating together and presentation of Christmas gifts to each of the families.

Hospice Visit
June 2012
This was a special day, not just because my youngest was turning 10, but also because we had planned to spend part of the day with the patients at the Nairobi Hospital. Friends of Twa gave generously so I was able to do a lot of shopping the night before…able to do a lot of shopping the night

Hospice Visit
December 2011
December 1st 2011 was a day of celebration for the Nairobi Hospice. Patients, who were the special Guests of Honour, together with their families, had been invited to a lunch to celebrate Christmas. Twakutukuza Trust was honoured to be part of this celebration.
The day had dawned bright and sunny after many days of heavy rain.
This was a relief as the event was to be held outdoors.
Investing in Twakutukuza is integral to alleviating the unparalleled challenges facing cancer patients in Kenya. Your donation will support cancer patients and their families toward meeting their emotional, physical and financial needs.