Celebrate Life Reports

Celebrate Life
February 2020
The first Celebrate Life event this decade was held at Lavington no.82. The weather was nice and warm and the set up took shape slowly as we all looked forward to the lovely day ahead.

Celebrate Life
May 2019
It had been raining heavily all night and we had woken up, still to heavy rain, wondering if we would have to look for an indoor venue. But our request for an outdoor event, for clear skies and a warm day, was sent to heaven and God answered!

Celebrate Life
February 2019
The first Celebrate Life event of the year was held on Saturday, 23rd February at the Logos Christian School in Nairobi. A total of 20 women who have undergone or are undergoing cancer treatment attended the event that is intended to uplift them physically and emotionally.

Celebrate Life
February 2018
On Saturday 10th February 2017, the grounds of Logos Christian School in Kilimani, Nairobi, were filled with colourfully decorated tents and a buzz of activity accompanied by laughter and excited chatting.

Celebrate Life
April 2016
Our 2016 annual Celebrate Life event, the seventh since inception in 2011, was held on Thursday 28th April 2016 and was a huge success!

Celebrate Life
November 2015
Can you imagine a group of women singing, laughing and thoroughly enjoying each other’s company from midday until nightfall?! for space for space for space for space for space for space for space.

Celebrate Life
February 2014
February 15th, 2014 turned out to be a lovely, sunny day and absolutely perfect for our next Celebrate Life event. I say turned out because the preceding days were cold
and wet.

Celebrate Life
February 2013
I seem to recall starting each report on the Celebrate Lifeevent held every February with something like “what a lovely day it was” or words to that effect – but honestly, that is precisely how the day was. Lovely!

Celebrate Life
February 2012
Friends are friends forever! The opportunity to affirm this was presented during the 2012 Celebrate Life event. It was a day to affirm those who have walked with us through the rocky terrain of cancer treatment.

Celebrate Life
February 2011
What a lovely day that was! And such a great opportunity to remind ourselves to Live on Purpose! The occasion was attended by 20 beautiful ladies who, by the time they were leaving Musmark House where the function was held, were absolutely glowing and looking even more gorgeous.