Make a Donation
Thank you for showing your interest in donating to Twakutukuza Cancer Trust. With your help, the Twakutukuza Cancer Trust can make a real difference to people with cancer. Donating online is a quick, safe, and tax-effective way showing your support. Your donation will help us to create a community of compassion that honors life and offers hope;
- Providing emotional and tangible support to patient and their families during the treatment process.
- Creating awareness campaigns, and any other means for testing, counselling and treatment of people with cancer
- The holistic care of people with cancer through sharing of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and support for them and their immediate families.
Ways to give
- To support the ASN donations are welcomed from as little as Kshs. 500
- To support the Corporate ASN, donations are welcomed from as little as Kshs. 100,000 “which can be given over an agreed upon period of timeâ€
- To support a Hospice visit donations are welcome from as little as Kshs. 1,200 to cater for basic household items to sustain a five-member household for a month.
- To support a Twambili child, donations from Kshs. 300 are welcomed to facilitate a daily dose of medicine.
Modes Of payment:
To give in kind, whether professional skill or other goods, please click here  and let us know what area works for you.
If you would like to make a donation by Cheque or Bank Transfer please Click Here to send an email for our bank account details.